Granville Bridge Connector Info Session

Info session on April 6, 2023, from 3:00pm-4:00pm on the Granville Bridge Construction

City staff will be in attendance to speak to this project that will be impacting businesses in the South Granville area. Join this Zoom meeting to have your questions answered.

Starting this February, the City will begin construction on the first phase of the Granville Connector. This project includes the installation of new pedestrian and cyclist connections across the Granville Bridge and removal of the north Granville loops to create a standard street grid layout.

This work will transform the way we use the bridge by creating safer, more convenient access to active transportation and transit while enabling future improvements. Construction will be underway until fall 2024, starting on the north end of the bridge.

Why this work is taking place

Originally designed for high-volume freeways that were never built, the Granville Bridge has presented challenges for today's users. To improve safety and accessibility across the bridge, we are converting two west-side travel lanes on the Granville Bridge to walking, rolling, and cycling, similar to the protected lane on the Burrard Bridge. We will also be adding new traffic signals, wayfinding signage and creating a car-free pedestrian and bicycle connection to Fir Street by making traffic changes on the south end of the bridge.

Additionally, removal of the north Granville loops will create a new street network on the north end of the bridge. It will also create new opportunities for housing and local services on the City-owned land currently occupied by the loops.

What to expect during construction

  • Work Hours: Construction will generally take place, Monday to Friday from 7am to 5pm, with extended hours up to 8pm and weekends as needed.

  • Property Access: Primary access to residences and businesses will be maintained as much as possible, however, different access points may be temporarily impacted. We will work with you in advance to manage these impacts.

  • Traffic: Two lanes of traffic will be retained on Granville Bridge in each direction throughout construction. Some lane and street closures will be in effect to facilitate construction including:

    • Winter 2023 - permanent east loop closure

    • Spring 2023 - permanent west loop closure

    • Summer 2023 to Fall 2023 - temporary Granville Street closure (Traffic flow on and off the bridge will be retained via the Howe Street and Seymour Street ramps. Please see Figure 1 for a detour map.)

      Intermittent road closures of Continental Street, Rolston Street, Neon Street and Drake Street will be required to safely accommodate construction. Traffic control personnel will be on site to help guide all road users.

  • Parking: Temporary parking restrictions will also be required to safely accommodate construction. Please watch for No Parking signs as work progresses.

  • Transit: Trolley buses will be detoured via the northbound Seymour Street off-ramp and the southbound Howe Street on-ramp when Granville Street is temporarily closed to through traffic.

  • Walking & Cycling: Sidewalks on both sides of Granville Bridge will remain open to all users as much as possible. Sidewalk access will be maintained throughout construction on the Howe Street and Seymour Street ramps with some detours in place. Please watch for signage and detours. Cyclists and drivers please continue to safely share the road.

  • Noise, Dust and Vibration: There will be some noise, dust and vibration due to the nature of this work

The city apologizes for any inconvenience and thank you in advance for your understanding and patience while we undertake these critical maintenance activities.

Visit for more information about bus stop changes.

More information about construction and the long-term Granville Bridge Connector design is available:

Online: at

By email:


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